TransaveUK invites you to attend our Special General Meeting on 21st September 2023 @ 9.30am.
The sole purpose of this SGM is to consider a single rule amendment proposed by the Transave board of Directors. Please see information below for details of the proposal.
We will be using the GoTo Webinar platform for the meeting, hosted by ABCUL, the Association of British Credit Unions. ABCUL have hosted several AGMs & SGM’s for other credit unions across the UK over recent times, so everything is tried and tested!
Attending the meeting
Please click on the link below to ‘register’ with ABCUL before the meeting.
Once you have done this simply enter your First Name, Last Name, Email & Membership Number, as on the screenshot below, then press the blue ‘Register’ button. All done! There is no cost to taking part.
You will receive a confirmation email immediately, from Jackie Littlewood at ABCUL, with a link to join the meeting.
Ahead of the meeting
As this is a virtual Special General Meeting (SGM), There is only one item on the agenda which is:
The board of Transave Credit Union Ltd. Propose a change to Rule 3 (Objects)of the Rulebook.
So, if approved by at least two-thirds of those members in attendance at this meeting, a new clause (e), which states: “to carry on one or more of the financial activities specified in s1ZA(1) of the Credit Unions Act 1979 for the benefit of the members of the society” will be added so that the amended rule shall read:
“Rule 3 – Objects
3 The objects of the credit union shall be:
a. the promotion of thrift among its members by the accumulation of their savings;
b. the creation of sources of credit for the benefit of its members at a fair and
reasonable rate of interest;
c. the use and control of members’ savings for their mutual benefit; and
d. the training and education of members in the wise use of money and in the
management of their financial affairs.
e. ” to carry on one or more of the financial activities specified in s1ZA(1) of the Credit Unions Act 1979 for the benefit of the members of the society”.
This change will enable the credit union to offer new products and services made possible by recent changes to legislation.
At the virtual meeting
At the start of the SGM, we’ll run through how the virtual SGM will work.
During the meeting, you can ‘ask virtual questions’ at any time by typing in the ‘Question’ section. We will be monitoring questions throughout the meeting, and will either reply in the question area, raise your question during Any Other Business, or in some cases, respond afterwards.
All Attendees will be ‘muted’ during the presentation. Ahead of a vote, the Presenter may ask members to use the ‘Hand Raising’ function to be unmuted for verbal questions.
Voting will be live in the meeting with instant results. The vote will be on screen, and members simply select their preference. We will hold a test vote at the start of the meeting, so everyone will have the opportunity to practise!
Thank you for taking time to read these instructions. We look forward to welcoming you to our virtual SGM. If you have any queries in the meantime do not hesitate to get on touch.