Members are invited to join us for our Annual General Meeting (AGM), to be held online.
The AGM will take place on Saturday 20th January 2024 @ 10.00am
The Agenda for the meeting will include the following:
Reports and 2023 Audited Accounts; Appointment of Auditors; Election of Directors; Distribution of profit (approval of Dividend); Notices of Motion including Proposed Rule Changes, and Statutory Declarations. Highlights of the 2022/2023 financial year can be viewed here.
Please take a couple of minutes to read through the instructions below so you understand how to join the meeting & take part.
Attending the meeting
We will be using the GoTo Webinar platform for the meeting, hosted by ABCUL, the Association of British Credit Unions.
Please click on the link below to register with ABCUL before the meeting.
Simply enter your First Name, Last Name, Email & Membership Number, as on the screenshot below, then click the ‘Register’ button. There is no cost to taking part.

You will receive a confirmation email immediately, from Jackie Littlewood at ABCUL, with a link to join the meeting:
Ahead of the AGM, you will be sent a reminder email and the link to join the Virtual AGM.
At the virtual meeting
At the start of the AGM, we’ll run through how the virtual AGM will work.
All Attendees will be ‘muted’ during the Annual General Meeting.
During the meeting, you can ‘ask virtual questions‘ at any time by typing in the ‘Question’ tab on your device. We will be monitoring questions throughout the Annual General Meeting, and will either reply in the question area, raise your question during your Annual General Meeting, or in some cases, respond afterwards.
Voting will be live in the Annual General Meeting with instant results. The vote will be on screen, and members simply select their preference. We will hold a test vote at the start of the meeting, so everyone has the opportunity to practise!
Thank you for taking time to read these instructions. We look forward to welcoming you to our virtual AGM.
If you have any queries in the meantime, please do not hesitate to get in touch.